Thursday, September 29, 2011

How Big is God?

We talk about God as if we can comprehend Him. Quite often believers will say, "We serve a great God!" or "Our God is powerful." The truth is that we cannot fathom in any measurable degree the bigness of God. The closet star to earth (outside of the Sun) is over four (4) light years away. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. This is just one star out of billions in our galaxy called the Milky Way. Listen to this fact: Scientists are now saying that there are billions of galaxies.

The Bible declares in Isaiah 40:12-13, "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? Who has understood the mind of the LORD, or instructed him as his counselor?"

I think you and I can agree that our view of God must increase. This is one of the most significant reasons to read the Bible consistently so we can grow in our knowledge of God.The more we know Him, the greater our understanding, faith, and love grows. Take time to look into the heavens. What you will see is a very small segment of the universe; what you will be reminded of is that our great God measures this universe with the span of His hand. Imagine...One day we will see this great God face to face. WOW!

Just think...He is the creator and our God.


Please consider making a contribution

We are always grateful for your sacrificial gifts, and they are greatly appreciated, any amount.  I cannot adequately express how important this is to our ministry. From time-to-time your general donations help us meet our internal expenses. There are office expenses (printing, stamps, etc.), and bank wiring fees, just to mention a few. Thank you for your help and God bless you! Click Here to donate online.


"He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him." (Ps 91:15) 

 Prayer Requests
Pray that God would lead AIM by the power of His Holy Spirit to the goals and direction on His heart.
Pray for the health and ministry of our partners in India.
Pray for our AIM President as he prepares for a vision trip next spring (2012)

Without the many prayers of Christians, AIM would be defeated.Thank you for standing with us.

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Feeding the Wolves

The fast pace of world evangelism is feeding the wolves. Sheep are dying at a pace faster than ever. The problem? Decisions are taking precedence over discipleship. In the process, there is an ever widening gap between the numbers who are deciding for Christ and those who are being discipled. The wolves are eating the difference.

Is it time to increase the pace of training and discipleship? Is it any worse to offer Christ to people who, after having decided for Him, lose their faith for lack of training in Christian living, Bible study, sound theology, and apologetics? Could this be the point of Jesus' story in Luke 11:23-26, where an evil spirit, having been cast out of a person, rounds up seven more spirits to re-inhabit the poor man?

The parable of the sower (Mat. 13:1-9) should also give us pause. Is it any joy that so many sprang up "quickly" and then "withered" (vs. 5,6) or were eventually choked? The former "quickly falls away" because of "trouble and persecution" (vs. 21). The latter is choked by the "worries" and cares of this life (vs. 22). In both cases, there is no fruit and the metaphorical wolves have been fattened. 

Untaught to to apply the truth to all levels of reality, unskilled in contextualizing Biblical truth in a way so that it transforms their worldview and their way of living, these believers are food for the wolf of false teaching, which will kill the soul and God's kingdom will be hindered.

Is it fair to suggest that our massive evangelistic campaigns are one giant feeding and breeding ground for the enemy? No, but are we honestly willing to face the problem of the masses of untaught, undiscipled believers?


Today’s technology combined with social networking is becoming a very effective way to “get the word out” and you can help AIM by doing just that! Send out a message to your friends on Facebook asking them to become fans of Asia International Mission, and please consider making a donation Now.

Thank you for being on the frontlines of ministry to the unreached this week as you pray! We are deeply grateful for your significant investment in the expansion of Christ’s kingdom.

Prayer Requests 
Pray for each of the men and women who faithfully serve God on the front lines in India.
Next summer we will be making a "vision" trip. Pray that God would lead us in how we partner.
Pray for increased annual giving and commitments for this upcoming year.

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated