Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Taking Jesus to the Unreached

Darkness is falling as we enter his door.  The little shed is attached to the end of some poverty-
John Kumar
stricken row houses.  With no electricity--a battery light helps us see the cot/bed and two plastic chairs so we don't stumble over them.  No running water--every drop must be carried from the community hand pump.  This is the home of missionary John Kumar.  His life is dedicated to bringing Christ to his people.

John's elderly mother smiles at us from the door of the tiny kitchen.  We sit--Russ on his walker, Alice on a chair, Bihit and John on the bed.  Curious neighbors, drawn by the unusual sight of a car, come crowding through the doorway.

Even more unusual to them is the sight of a white foreigner with titanium legs.  They know John is a Christian and assume we are too.  One woman, her right arm paralyzed by a stroke, asks for prayer from Russ.  His disability strikes a chord in others who are struggling.  Prayer continues for many more who are seeking hope in the darkness.  The doors of hearts are opened that night.  John will have many questions to answer tomorrow, and ears will listen to the Gospel of Christ--the One True God in a land of millions of idols.

John Kumar has already planted two growing congregations, now under their own pastors, in the
Russ & Bihit Praying for Woman
villages of Gunpalli and Gungawada, where Russ was invited to preach.  We met the people, visited their homes, participated in a group baptism, and were invited to dinner in the home of a Hindu family--who were also curious about us.  The Kingdom of God is like leaven, spreading through the whole culture and changing lives.

Asia International Mission is a small organization, and we are continually pushing beyond our age and physical limitations.  And yet, so much more needs to be done!  India has more unreached people groups (2000+) than any other country.  This is why we find local men whom God has called, and equip them to go to their own people.

AIM partners with a group of 25 men who bravely and sacrificially carry the Gospel of Christ to the unreached of Odisha (Orissa) State.  They are led by an energetic young man named Bihit that Russ and I personally support; the others still need financial help.  They often have wives and children to feed--but are away from home for weeks, trekking, preaching, evangelizing, planting house churches, carrying the Good News.  Their lives are constantly at risk.  Life is lived on the edge for Christ.

Odisha (Orissa) is infamous for persecution of Christians.  Our missionary partners experience this every day.  

Here is an excerpt from Bihit's latest January-March Mission Report:

"...our missionaries evangelized more than 187 new villages...God has done marvelous work through us to reach 1236 families who hear the Gospel and acknowledged about Christ.  Before, they do not know who Christ the village of Tadama where people thrown (out) their idol and image of god and goddess...the VHP (Vishpa Hindu Parishad) and Bajarangdal....threaten us strictly not to preach the gospel in that area 'otherwise we will kill you.'  Please pray for us." 

Here in the USA we have just completed a joyful Easter celebration.  Our salvation is secure; we rejoice in our Risen Lord, but what about the millions who know nothing about Him?  Join us--send us--send our partners!

They need your help.  Please help us provide for these national missionaries.  Your monthly gift of
A missionary (Top right) and a family of new believers
$40 will support one man and his family--$1.34 per day to advance the Kingdom of Christ before His return.

(When you sponsor a missionary in Odisha you will receive more personal information that cannot be made public.)

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and financial support.  God bless you as you bless the nations with His salvation!

--Alice Sharrock

             If you would like to sponsor a missionary now please click here:                                                                        

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                     Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
                      All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated


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